Fun with your kids!
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Other Fun ideas for you and your baby

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Feature article crafted from the perspective of Luntan

Feeling Cool with Polar Bear

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When it’s boiling hot, how about a photo session with polar bear decorations?  We often associate a polar bear with pleasant coolness, so you can get away from the heat a bit.  (But don’t forget to turn on the air conditioner!)

Since it’s for a baby, we want to create the coolness with a soft and tender touch rather than the coldness.  Yes, fluffy marshmallows are perfect to create that impression!  Let’s make a fluffy and cushiony bracelet made of marshmallows.  You can simply thread string through marshmallows.  A baby will look adorable wearing it on his wrist, arm or leg.

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

Did you know that marshmallows could be a drink, too?  Put some marshmallows in a cup with some milk and microwave it for one minute.  Marshmallows melt and become creamy, like an ice cream.  Print out the garlands in smaller scale and stick them into the drink.  Look, a sweet polar bear drink is ready.

This winter born baby with a polar bear costume is Ms. Keiko Omama’s baby.  She has illustrated and designed the garland.  This is her baby’s first summer, and they are celebrating his half-birthday♪


When you have a fantastic photo of your baby with Luntan’s decorations, please share it with us.  You could win an Amazon gift voucher by posting the photo with the tag#Luntan_photo.

※The garland introduced here is free to download
→Click here to download

※The foods introduced here are for photographic purposes, and they are not for babies.  They can be enjoyed by adults after the photo session.
→Click here for the baby food recipes

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White Bear





Original ArticleFeature article crafted from the perspective of Luntan

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