Fun with your kids!
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Other Fun ideas for you and your baby

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Boys’ Party

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May is the season for boys (moms and dads of girls, please! we give you March for girls!).  For the Boy’s Day Festival (or Children’s Day), how about making some decorations for the boy’s party?


If you are a boy, it is expected to be full of energies and be a bit mischievous.  Let’s pile up some doughnuts and baked confectionaries from a supermarket to make a pyramid.  The whipped cream can work as glue.  If there are any small toys, let’s add them on, too!

Even if you are a mom with good decoration skills, let’s try to make it sloppy.  Maybe, only for this time, dads can do a better job to create a pyramid full of liveliness.  Mix up garlands for boys, stick them on a bamboo skewer, and then hang them to decorate.  Ok, it is done.


et’s use biscuit sticks and dress them up in many colors.  You can put some honey on the tip of sticks and cover it with a chocolate spray.  Look, there are planes flying around with biscuit sticks!  These planes are made by adding a nick on a straw and then inserting a garland with airplane prints to it.  You can increase the boyishness just by adding a little decoration.


If there is a “Tsurusi Hina”, a decoration with dolls made of cloths hanging at the tip of a string, why not making a “Tsurusi Koi (and Kabuto)”, a decoration with carps and a helmet made of cloths handing from a string?  You can add a helmet on a string by making a small hole on the top of helmet, passing a string through it, and then making a knot to hold the position.

By the way, a helmet made with newspaper is a must have item!

※The garland introduced here is free to download
→Click here to download

※The foods introduced here are for photographic purposes, and they are not for babies.  They can be enjoyed by adults after the photo session.
→Click here for the baby food recipes

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To the sky

Super Shoot

A Carp Streamer





Original ArticleFeature article crafted from the perspective of Luntan

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