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Other Fun ideas for you and your baby

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Feature article crafted from the perspective of Luntan

Fun Baby Food Recipes Vol.03
Somen Noodles with Tomatoes

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Somen are very thin noodles made of wheat flour and usually served in cold.  In a hot summer day, refreshing somen noodles become a perfect meal.  How about adding some decorations to make it more fun?
Enjoy the refreshing sour and sweet taste of the dipping sauce with tomatoes.
The shooting star decoration of summer vegetables might increase the baby’s appetite!?

Recipe for Somen Noodles with Tomatoes
(Serving for 1 adult and 1 baby who is nearly the end of the baby food period)

・ 1.5 bundles of somen noodles

・ Paprika (red & yellow)*
・ Okura*
・ Ham*

Note: *Depending on baby’s preferences, use proper amount.

(Dipping Sauce)
・ Mentsuyu (noodle soup base) + water (add extra 100cc of water to a dilution; e.g. for the scale of 1 to 2: 100cc mentsuyu & 200cc water)
・ 1 tbsp ketchup
・ 1 tbsp olive oil
・ 1tsp consommé powder
・ 1 tbsp vinegar
・ 1 tsp sugar
・ 6~8 cherry tomatoes

(1)Cut out toppings with a star-shaped cookie cutter.  Cutting from inside is easier.


(2)Add somen noodles in the boiling water and cook according to the package instructions.

(3) Mix all the dipping sauce ingredients.  Cut each cherry tomato into half and combine them with the mixture.

(4) When noodles are ready, drain and let them cool in running water.  Decorate somen with star shaped vegetables.

【Useful Tips】
・Please cut noodles with scissors or knife when serving for a baby.
・For an adult, you can add Tabasco in the dipping sauce for extra flavoring.

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