Fun with your kids!
Luxury Family Travel
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Other Fun ideas for you and your baby

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Feature article crafted from the perspective of Luntan

Adorable Prince
and the Harvesting Season

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Autumn is a season of harvest.  Let’s celebrate special occasions with a crown and a decorated cake using lots of small and round fruits.  A pale grape color goes well with the gentle ambience of adorable babies.


To make a crown, you just need to cut felt and stick them together.  Bonding felt in different colors with fabric glue will provide an adequate strength!  It looks prettier to show the reverse side as well.  Add some pompoms and spangles on the crown and enjoy creating the harvesting season filled with lots of small and round things.


Making a decorated cake is also very easy!  Get some cupcakes and baumkuchen, a ring shape German layer cake, in different sizes at a supermarket and pile them up.  Do you think that it’s too much work to whisk the whipping cream?  No, no, it’s easy.  When you stir some blueberry jam into the whipping cream, the cream congeals very quickly.  The mixture isn’t as fluffy as whipped cream, but it’s fairly soft and easy to decorate.  The cream becomes firm and sweet enough when you mix jam to the level of “Have I put too much jam?”  If you want to decorate in pink, you can use strawberry jam.


Let’s put some small and round fruits, like grapes, bananas, and blueberries, around the cake. Oh, don’t forget to use Luntan’s free downloadable garland, too. It’ll look even cuter!


He’s drunk milk and grown little by little, and now, he’s celebrating a half-birthday.  He’ll start solids soon and hopefully, he’ll be able to enjoy delicious grapes with his mom and dad next year!

★Baby Models Wanted★
We, Luntan, are currently looking for baby models.  Luntan’s staff will come to your home (or the place of your desire), decorate the room with Luntan’s free garlands and other materials, and take lovely photographs of your baby!  The photos will appear as an article on Luntan’s webpage later on. Please follow us onInstagramfor more details.

※The garland introduced here is free to download.
→Click here to download free garland kits
→Click here to download free photo frames

※All the foods introduced in this article are for photographic purposes, and they are not for babies. They can be enjoyed by adults after the photo shoot.
→Click here for the baby food recipes

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