Fun with your kids!
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Other Fun ideas for you and your baby

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Feature article crafted from the perspective of Luntan

Rain Go Away

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When it’s raining outside, it’s a perfect day to have some fun at home with your baby.  Wishing for a sunny day, let’s enjoy a photo session.

Hydrangea flowers made of origami would be a nice item to accompany the photo session.  It’ll look lovely to mix different colors, but you can use a blank printing paper if you don’t have any origami paper.  White hydrangea flowers are chic and pretty too.
Don’t forget to hang the garland to make a wish for “rain go away”. We’ve put together rain items for the “rain go away” garland, like frogs and “teru teru bozu”, a doll wishing for a sunny day in Japanese custom.

Download the “rain go away” garland from here

It’s perfect if you have a rain poncho or an afghan blanket!  With the power of “teru teru bozu”, maybe you’ll have a sunny day tomorrow?!

When you have a cute ‘teru teru bozu” picture, please post the photo on Instagram and share it with us.  You could win an Amazon gift voucher by adding#Luntan_photo on your post.

More information about the present campaign is available here.

※The garland introduced here is free to download
→Click here to download

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Rain go away





Original ArticleFeature article crafted from the perspective of Luntan

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