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Fun Baby Food Recipes Vol.1
Half-Birthday Vegetable Cake

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Baby’s first half-birthday is very special for moms and dads.  A cake made with strained yogurt or a sponge cake is popular, but how about something easy on the body?  Let us introduce a cake made with vegetables only.  Please try it.

Recipe for Half-Birthday Vegetable Cake

・2 potatoes
・150cc or more baby formula (adjust the amount of formula depending on the size of potatoes)
・1 tomato

(1) Peel potatoes and cut in small size.  Boil them until cooked.
(2) Make a notch in the tomato, put it in hot water and peel the skin.  Remove seeds from inside and chop finely.  *Squeeze and drain tomato juice.
(3) Mash the Step 1 potatoes, add baby formula and stir well.  Take out some of the mixture and use them to mix with the Step 2 chopped tomato.
(4) Wrap the Step 3 mashed potatoes and put into shape.
(5) Garnish the Step 4 with the Step 3 tomato and potato mixture and serve.

【Useful Tips】
If you want to make decorations or write a name with the tomato and potato mixture, add extra water and put them into a Ziploc bag.  Without closing the bag, squeeze the mixture out of the bag to draw.   When you feed the baby, dissolve the cake in plenty of milk or soup to smooth out the texture.


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Original ArticleFeature article crafted from the perspective of Luntan

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